Canning lids for canning your own fruit/veggies (why don't you carry?)

Thank you for the suggestion! We’ve carried these in the past but are not able to get them in at a competitive price. We could possibly look into a special order for them to offer you the best price.
– Maura, Grocery

Please consider not handing out straws or using compostable straws. They are destroying our oceans and huring wildlife. Thanks.

Thank you for your feedback. We will take this into consideration and look into alternative options.
– Amber, Café

Please make more curry lime tofu salad. It is delicious!!! Is there any way to make it more often?

Thanks! Glad to hear you like it. We will do our best to keep it regularly stocked. If you are able to order a larger size, please consider placing a special order with the Café.
– Amber, Café

Frustrated with not being able to use a small cart. Bring them back.

I understand the small carts are missed by some regular customers, and I’m sorry you feel frustrated that they’re not around anymore. While the small carts long outlived their life expectancy and we delayed replacing our fleet for several years, it became cost prohibitive to continue to repair them and we did have to replace them. We will keep your feedback in mind when we replace our current fleet in the next 3-5 years.
– Erica, Member Services

The only honeys that we carry that aren’t from the U.S. are the manuka honeys and the commodity honeys (Wholesome & Field Day). These both fill certain niches. All the Maple Valley honey is local/regional except for the orangle blossom, which is from Florida. Drapers is also local. We currently have no plans to bring on any new honey vendors. We appreciate your suggestion and hope that our current selection meets your needs.
– Ian, Grocery