Conversations on Resilience


How does the East End Food Co-op remain resilient amidst climate change? How can we create a broader network in the food system and make our products more affordable? These are some of the questions we ask during our monthly Resilience Committee meetings. The concept of “resilience” that this committee is founded on is the product of diversity. That is, the more diverse a system or organization is, the more resilient it should be when faced with adversity.


You might be thinking, “Wow, this sounds wonderful…but so broad and open-ended!” And, yes, that is actually part of the point. This committee exists as a space for members to brainstorm, discuss, and pinpoint the key issues that the Co-op should consider when looking at the long-term vision of our community. Currently, we are working on a scenario planning activity, where we plan responses and design systems that mitigate short-term and long-term risk areas within the Co-op. For each plausible risk, we discuss solutions and preventative measures; examples include energy disruptions, public health disruptions, national supply chain disruptions, and economic collapse. 


What really inspires me about this committee is its current member participation. The presence of bright, curious minds is what makes a committee like this shine and flourish. The Resilience Committee is still in its infancy and aims to avoid any fixed state of existence. Resilience, after all, is about being adaptable to new problems, circumstances, and conversations. 


What would you like this committee to become? What should we consider when brainstorming the long-term vision of the Co-op? Email me directly ( or join our committee to share your thoughts!


Trevor Ring

Board Member & Resilience Committee Chair