Did you know that every single egg sold at the East End Food Co-op comes from local, family farms? It’s true! And we know you’ll be able to tell the difference in quality from other store bought eggs. When you crack them open, the rich color of the yoke is an immediate indicator of the fresh, local egg’s superiority. Hens that have access to pasture, feast on bugs and/or healthy grains, and get to soak up real sunlight produce healthier eggs. We receive fresh egg deliveries nearly every day. Check the side of the carton and you’ll see the date the eggs were laid (often hand written). Do your other grocery store eggs have that? Enjoy a variety of eggs fresh from the farm. Not only will you have a better taste and nutrition, you’re also helping support small family farms. Need help deciding what to buy? Here’s a breakdown of our local farmers practices.

Farm Grade Color Habitat Nutrition Certification
Champion Chick Farm Unclassified Brown Free Range, Cage Free Hormone-free vegetarian diet; no antibiotics
Jubilee Hilltop Ranch Unclassified Brown Pasture, Naturally Raised
Liberty Farm Unclassified Brown Pasture Grain-fed
Mercer County Farm Unclassified Brown Pasture Grain-fed, Non-GMO
Mickley Farm Unclassified Brown Free Range Soy free, GMO-free, no drugs, herbicides, or pesticides USDA Organic
Nature’s Yoke (Co+op Basics) Grade A Brown Free Range Pure grain fed, no medications
Organic Valley
Grade A Brown Pasture, Free to forage  Non-GMO, no synthetic hormones, pesticides, or antibiotics USDA Organic
Swiss Villa Unclassified Brown Pasture Grass-fed, Soy free, GMO-free