lo·ca·vore ˈlōkəˌvôr/ Noun; a person who makes an effort to eat food that is grown, raised, or produced locally, usually within 100 miles of home.

Eating local food has a host of benefits: it’s fresher than products shipped across the county (or world!), more nutritious, has a lower chance of contamination, and uses far less fuel for shipping and transportation. And it support the local economy! The East End Food Co-op defines “local” as within a 250-mile radius of our store, including all of Pennsylvania and excluding Canada. Every September we celebrate Local Food Month and really focus in on all the local products we have at our store (there are more than 1300, by the way). It’s easy to embrace a locavore diet! Here are some recipes to inspire you that use only local ingredients.

Pancakes with Yogurt & Cherry Drizzle
Chili con Carne
Chicken Cacciatore
Vanilla Ice Cream Bread Pudding

For a complete list of all our local products, visit We Love Local.