Stanley & Elisa B.
Stanley & Elisa B.Members since 1991
Where do you live and how often do you visit our store?
Stanely (S): Monroeville, and we’re here about two times a week.

What was your motivation for coming to and/or joining the Co-op?
S: I honestly can’t remember… I used to shop at the co-op in Oakland, and then started shopping here once this location opened. We’ve been coming here forever.

What is your favorite thing you get from the Co-op?
S: Organic produce, absolutely! I like that I can shop freely and not have to worry about accidentally buying anything conventional.

What do you LOVE and hope will never change about the Co-op?
S: I really like the Café, it’s one of my favorite restaurants. Elisa (E): Yes, we love all the plant-based meal options and want more – thank you!

What makes shopping at the Co-op different than other stores?
S: It’s a good size, not too big.

How would you describe your lifestyle, and how does the Co-op fit in?
S: I like to hike and spend time with my family. My wife and I are vegan. The money we save on not buying meat or dairy allows us to afford top quality organic foods. It’s nice that the Co-op prioritizes vegan options for us.