Susan R.
Susan R.Member Since 1980
Where do you live and how often do you visit our store? I visit about once or twice a week, and I live about a block-and-a-half up the street.

What was your motivation for coming to and/or joining the co-op? I grew up with this ethic. My mom had a food buying club in the late ‘60s and instilled in me the values of healthy food and a lifelong instinct for social justice. When I was in high school, my mom and I belonged to the Semple Street Co-op. Then I moved to California and was a member of a co-op there. So when I moved back to Pittsburgh, it was only natural to join EEFC. I started out as a skills-worker and quickly evolved into an employee, wearing many hats for around 9 years.

What is your favorite thing you get from the co-op and what’s so great about it? I gravitate toward the homemade baked goods, the bulk herbs, the health and beauty products, and the supplements. They’re fresh and delicious and clean.

If you could change one thing about the co-op, what would it be? Naturally, I would love prices to be more accessible.

What do you love and hope will never change about the co-op? The friendly staff and the warm atmosphere of the place; it makes me feel at home.

What makes shopping at the co-op different from other stores? I always run into people I know. It’s rare for me to leave without having at least one or two great conversations!
What are some of your hobbies and interests? I am an improvisational artist. I love to dance, sing, play music and act. I also love to teach and currently teach chair yoga to seniors.

How would you describe your lifestyle, and how does the Co-op fit in? I love the simple joys in life, and I love making everyone I interact with a tad more cheerful. The co-op is definitely a place I can express myself.